We are a young production team, studio of design and producer of premium content. We are engaged in development and production, writing scripts for films and TV shows; creating ads, videoclips, presentations, trailers and promotional products.
About us
We study the target audience, develop the concept and embody the idea to the final render. We work in any territory and with any budgets. We're a studio with a character. We love collaborations and we are open to experimentation. We immerse ourselves with great interest in ambitious tasks, and we implement them in life.

We always invite talented artists, screenwriters, directors and showrunners to collaborate.

If you like to come up with stories, characters and if you have tons of ideas and energy, then please contact us - we know to deal with it!

Royal Balls is when you come to business with drive, purpose and glamour. The Royal Balls team are fanatics of their business; they are unique specialists, where each has vast experience and a history of many projects implemented.
Karen Sakhinov
Elena Onegina
Head of the production department.

Producer / Host of Agent Blonde / Detective & Head Hunter.
CEO of Royal Balls. Head of the screenwriting and directing department.

Show runner / director / writer / producer.
Head of the design department. Designer / animation / CGI.
Ilya Rosterbersky
Sales department. Manager.
Miss Pool
Contact us
+7 (968) 638-78-77
+44 (7498) 99-54-41

Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment 8, building 1
Copyright © 2021. Royal Balls All Rights Reserved.
ИНН / КПП организации
7704447246 / 770401001

ОГРН организации

Юридический адрес
Москва, Языковский переулок д.5/9, корп.5

Контактная информация
Email: info@royalballs.studio
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